Lo sorprendente de este país es que en la mañana podríamos estar en la ciudad con los bailarines más talentosos y luego en la tarde con la gente noble del campo.
En este retrato hay un hombre amable que se detuvo por un minuto para permitir que se hiciera su retrato. Como no teníamos nada planeado para la tarde, decidimos salir de la ciudad. Buscábamos personas que trabajaran con sus manos y encontramos a este hombre con su caballo.
Hablamos unos minutos y él accedió a ser fotografiado. La cámara estaba en el asiento trasero, lista para usar. Lo instalamos y rápidamente hicimos su retrato, para que él pudiera ir y alimentar a su caballo con la hierba que acababa de cortar.
Estos son los momentos mágicos para mí, tanto por la hora como por la memoria.
Cuban, Countryside, Cuba, 2018
What is amazing about this country is that in the morning we could be in the city with the most talented dancers and then in the afternoon with the noble people of the countryside.
In this portrait is a gentle man who stopped for a minute to allow his portrait to be made. Since we had nothing planned for the afternoon we decided to drive out of the city. We were looking for people working with their hands, and found this man with his horse.
We spoke for a few minutes and he agreed to be photographed. The camera was in the back seat, ready to use. We set it up and quickly made his portrait, so that he could go and feed his horse with the grass he had just cut.
These are the magical moments for me, both because of the hour and also because of the memory.