Thursday, July 18, 2013

Halim Ina, Global Community Portraits, The Cleveland Print Room, Humana People to People India, July 12, 2013

This past weekend the Cleveland Print Room was gracious enough to allow my images to be presented for the sake of girls in Rajasthan, India. In collaboration with Humana to Humana People India, the funds from the sale of these images will be directed to schools for girls, and this October I will visit India to witness the results!

Should you, the viewer, be interested in these images and in the purpose behind them, please do feel free to contact me for further information.

Boy, Syrian + Bedouin, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon

His family lives in a tent on the outskirts of Zahle, between mountain ranges. They are migrant workers and are hired by the local farming communities to work in the fields. Usually the girls and women do this work, while the boys and men labor in the factories and shops. On this day I returned to the birthplace of my photography, the very first village, and found this young boy just oozing with emotion. He was perhaps the easiest of the bunch to be photographed; and the contact sheet shows one emotion after another ranging from laughter to serious contemplation, all in a boy of less than five years.

Unframed $250
Framed $400
Smaller Prints Available
100% of proceeds going to Schools for Girls in association with
Humana People to People India

Street Vendor, La Habana, Cuba

She sits in this spot every morning and gets ready for a day of selling. We walked by her a few times before and worked up the courage to speak with her. She was very sweet and told us a bit about her life. She agreed to be photographed even though this was one of the busiest streets in the city. She knew that people would look, some disapprovingly, yet she let us set up our gear and make her portrait. It was early in the morning and the source of light was the reflection of the sun from the buildings across the street. We worked for ten minutes as people walked by us on their way to work. Some paid little attention while others did as we thought, shared their looks of disapproval. My hope is that when we return with this portrait in hand next week, those looks will change and she will have even more confidence in her decision to have been photographed last year.

Unframed $450
Framed $600
Smaller Prints Available
100% of proceeds going to Schools for Girls in association with
Humana People to People India

Girl + Plates, Mursi Community, Ethiopia

She lives in a community numbering less than 7,500. During the day trucks filled with tourists pass by hourly, walk out for a few minutes, snap some pictures and purchase hand-made items now and then. As a result, while she lives in one of the remotest places on the planet the world has come to her doorstep. Her community has witnessed every invention yet remains true to its vision. The endless stream of visitors has now become a sustainable source of income. The funds earned from tourism are translated to food and other necessities with the help of local men on motorcycles heading to and from the market. People told me to be careful around these people, that they would be aggressive. My experiences with them proved to be most enlightening, and revealed a kind, beautiful and immensely creative community.

Unframed $350
Framed $500
Smaller Prints Available
100% of proceeds going to Schools for Girls in association with
Humana People to People India

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