Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tareequa, Tsemey Tribe, Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia, February, 2010

People will often ask: how do you remember their names?

How does one forget?

Towards the end of her photographic session, she allows me to hold her hand and turn her body from looking right to looking straight to looking left. Her friends giggle the entire time and she gives them a few words in between exposures.

Her hair is perhaps the source of amicable teasing and is the result of my curiosity. When we arrive this morning, she is the first to greet us. Her little village is off the tourists' map and she rarely sees an outsider. The look on her face as she sees me demonstrates this even more so.

We get out and start making our way to the elders to ask for permission. They grant us a chance to make portraits and doing so away from the road makes this session perhaps the easiest session during my entire time in Ethiopia. The area is calm and quiet.

Before she has a chance to step away and neaten her hair, we ask her permission to make her portrait as she is and without change. She is completely surprised, laughs in a very shy way and accepts. The images above are the result.

In a previous post, a picture was provided of her in color and a fuller story was also shared. It can be viewed by clicking below.

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