Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Student, MACODEF, Kenya, 2007

Today we go back to the school to photograph the smaller children. They have been waiting since we photographed the older ones one week ago. We arrive as the sun rises and they are dressed in their sweaters, just like the girl above this text.

They stand on a chair and I climb down into a ditch, giving me a perspective from below. One by one, they take their place in front of the camera, their names are written down by the good people of MACODEF as they do so.

They have little problem with staring into the direction of the sun. Some of them walk slowly to the chair, some walk faster, all of them take their tiny shoes/sandals off before stepping up onto the chair.

We finish and they run back into their classrooms, then the noise just fades away, being replaced by the sounds of learning, sweet sounds.

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