Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Student Art, Shamli District, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2018

Before classes began last year such public displays of art were rare. Now girls get to sit down with each other, paper on the floor and paint brushes in hand, to create images. Some do so from their day to day experiences, some do so from lands far away.

The energy as this happens is hard to describe, an amazing moment to experience in person. Here is a piece by one of the students in Shokeen's village, one of the most sublime places on earth to be. In this village change is happening, and just today I received a message from one of its residents sharing their pride in the progress being made.

Together we can make the difference so many dream of!


Sewing Class, Shamli District, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2019

This is a portrait of one sewing center, the wonderful instructor surrounded by her students. They were so proud to be photographed with their teacher!

Thanks to Imdadulla Nadvi for the great work in this region, and especially for bringing a school to this refugee camp!


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Best Friends, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2018

Their portrait was made in their classroom, as the class gathered to be photographed. We have known each other since 2013 and it is my intention to find support for their school. They attend a wonderful school in a tiny village within Uttar Pradesh, and have my sincerest appreciation for allowing their portraits to be made.

All interested in supporting this work do reach out to me and we will make it happen! 

1 Girl 1 Year = $100

For those interested I will of course provide further, detailed information. This is our way to fulfill that great cliché, making a difference... hoping to turn that cliché into a reality!

Para aquellos interesados, por supuesto, proporcionaré más información detallada. Esta es nuestra manera de cumplir ese gran cliché, marcando la diferencia ... ¡esperando convertir ese cliché en una realidad!


Young Girl + Window, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2018

When I post about the schools near her village, this is the expression that is on my mind. At such a young age she is able to look straight into the camera and speak to us of her life, unfiltered and without compromise.

It should be clear to all of us that her life is hard. For those of us with children can we imagine the skin of our children looking like hers? The bruises and cracks? For the teachers in this circle, how many would embrace this student and welcome her into their warm classrooms?

This is the work that is happening in her region. Thanks to Imdadullah Nadvi Nadvi and Kari Shokeen, a new school has begun which promises to be the model school in the region. Over 100 girls have enrolled and the message has reached the adjacent and distant villages alike.

We visited her school one morning thanks to the invitation of Imdadulla's cousin, who is also the headmaster of her school. As we walked through their classrooms we were met with the most expressive faces. The looked at us with shock, for they had never been visited by outsiders.

After a few minutes the shock turned into excitement, especially after they saw the camera. When asked to be photographed they took their time to sit down calmly and arrange their scarves. Each mini-session affected me deeply, and I am indebted to each one for the privilege.

Note: This frame was made with a Hasselblad 503CW and 100 mm lens.


Niña Pequeña + Ventana, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2018

Cuando publico sobre las escuelas cerca de su aldea, esta es la expresión que tengo en mente. A su corta edad, puede mirar directamente a la cámara y hablarnos de su vida, sin filtros y sin compromisos.

Debe quedar claro para todos nosotros que su vida es dura. Para aquellos de nosotros con hijos, ¿podemos imaginarnos la piel de nuestros hijos como la de ella? ¿Los moretones y las grietas? Para los maestros en este círculo, ¿cuántos de ellos abrazarían a esta estudiante y la acogerían en sus cálidas aulas?

Este es el trabajo que está sucediendo en su región. Gracias a Imdadullah Nadvi Nadvi y Kari Shokeen, ha comenzado una nueva escuela que promete ser la escuela modelo en la región. Más de 100 niñas se han inscrito y el mensaje ha llegado a aldeas adyacentes y distantes.

Una mañana, visitamos su escuela gracias a la invitación del primo de Imdadulla, que también es el director de su escuela. Mientras caminábamos por sus aulas, nos encontramos con las caras más expresivas. Nos miraron con sorpresa, porque nunca habían sido visitados por extranjeros.

Después de unos minutos, la conmoción se convirtió en emoción, especialmente después de ver la cámara. Cuando se les pidió que los fotografiaran, se tomaron su tiempo para sentarse con calma y arreglar su ropa. Cada mini-sesión me afectó profundamente y estoy en deuda con cada uno por el privilegio.

Note: This image was made with a Hasselblad 503CW/100 mm combination.